Untamed and Embodied with Tertia Riegler

37. What's been happening + Big Announcement

Tertia Riegler Episode 37

This episode is a little different. I'm sharing a life and business update, plus a big announcement about the future of this podcast!

Life first: where I’ve been, what I’ve been navigating, and how it’s shaping the direction of my work. If you’ve ever felt like you’re caught in the same cycles of burnout and overwhelm (even when you know better),  you’ll resonate with this episode.

Business second: focusing on my podcast is a BIG goal this year, and I won't be making any YouTube videos for the foreseeable future.   

AND (drumroll please...) 🥁☺️

this podcast has a new name! Starting next episode, you’ll see it pop up as Beyond Burnout for Driven Women. 


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Coach with Tertia

Strategy Session - Shift from Survive to Thrive https://tertiariegler.com/strategy-session

Find Me Online

Website: https://tertiariegler.com

Facebook: https://facebook.com/tertiariegler.embodimentcoach

Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/TertiaRiegler


About Tertia

I am a certified feminine embodiment coach and embodiment teacher.

In my private coaching and online programs, I teach you to drop from your head into your body so you can take your nervous system out of survive into thrive, clearing the way for you to live a life that fills you with joy and be guided by your inner knowing instead of outside influence.

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Hey, hey, and welcome back to another episode. So you know how I've been jumping between recording an episode on the podcast and then uploading the audio file to YouTube, and sometimes I record a YouTube video and I upload that here on the podcast. Well, today's episode is the last time that that is happening because from now on I'm moving all of my content over to the podcast. So this is a big decision that I've taken recently, and it has to do with what I'm speaking about in the episode that you're about to listen to. But before we dive into that, I wanted to make another little announcement, and that is that my podcast is getting a new name. So starting with the next episode, you will see it pop up as Beyond Burnout for Driven Woman. I'm so excited about this direction that my work is taking and really how I'm here to serve and contribute, but I speak about that in the episode that you're about to listen to. 

So whether you've been here since the beginning and whether you're just tuning in, I'm very excited for this new phase. So let's get into today's episode where ironically, I forgot to announce this in my video, so I had to add it in after the fact. Here we go. So it has been a hot minute since I've last been here on YouTube. I think the last video that I made was about six or seven months ago. So I thought what I wanted to do today is just to give you a little bit of an update of where I was and where I'm going to and what has been happening in my life. The biggest thing that I was bumping up against in the last year and a half, and that's why I kind of disappeared on you, which I'm sorry that I did it all unannounced, and sometimes we need to do what we have to do. 

So the big theme that was playing out in my life was that I was bumping up against these patterns of burnout and overwhelm, which is something that I am very familiar with and clearly that there was a lot of work that had to be done around this. The end of 2023, I created my Untamed Feminine course, and that has really been quite an expression of my own journey in terms of activating and stepping more into my full feminine and living and leading from that place. What also happened to me early 2023 is that I burnt out, and it happened again last year. So you can see there's this pattern that's coming through. I also turned 50 last year. This was a time for me where I really had to refigure and reconsider what am I doing with my work-life balance? What am I doing in terms of showing up as the best version of myself so that I can be that example to my kids so that they can see me flourish? 

What are my actions teaching my children in terms of honouring my own rhythm, taking care of myself? The fact that I kept on falling into these spirals of burnout and overwhelm asked for me to do a little bit of healing work. So when I first did my feminine embodiment coaching training, of course I learned how to work with a nervous system and how to dissolve traumas. And what's really beautiful about that modality, it's not only something that I coach other women on how to do, but it's the practises that I teach. I also use that myself. So I walk my own talk and it's like layers of onion, right? So every time that we do some healing, every time that there's a new layer of self that gets uncovered, there is something else that comes to the forefront. So we are always going to evolve. 

We're always going to grow. And that was really my experience over the past year was that there was a lot of growth and a lot of stripping away of that, which I no longer was a lot of stripping away of those things that I no longer wanted to do. I found myself asking, who am I here to serve? What is it that I'm here to do? Who am I even in all of this? So I've been really pondering and sitting with those questions, and when that happened, that caused me to pull back. I think it's a great gift that you can give yourself to give yourself permission to step back and take the time that you need. We are often we feeling so much external pressure to always show up, to always be there, to always be positive, to always maintain and just handle it. 

My own experience was that I discovered that I had a lot of internal shame about burning out myself because I had this externalised, well internalised, really external pressure to say that you're supposed to handle it, come on, suck it up and chin up and just go on and carry on. And I think that's a mentality that so many of us carry, and it's a mentality that can hurt us. We have to honour the season of life that we are in if we want to show up as the fullest expression of ourselves. And you can't honour that season of life if you're always pushing. If you're always forcing. We need to go into stillness and we need to take a step back. So that is where I have been. Where am I now? So as I was also going through this experience myself, I became more clear on who is it that I'm serving and what is the contribution that I want to make to the world as I teach my lived experience? 

This is what I'm also going to be bringing to you now, is how to stop this pattern of burnout and overwhelm that so many of us high achieving woman feel. I'm a high achiever. I'm a very driven woman. I don't want that to change. I'm not interested in having that change, but I also know that because this is who I am, my tendency for burnout is very high, and couple that with some unresolved traumas that might still be floating around in my field, and this means that that's something that I need to pay attention to. And that could be very well the same for you. Where you are driven, you're a high achiever, and taking a vacation isn't going to give you that break that you need. There's something that needs to happen at a root level, like what is the root cause for you pushing yourself with this self-sabotaging burnout pattern to continue to play out in your life, even if you know cognitively, you can't carry on like this. 

How do we kind of burn out proof our lives so that we don't lose our edge? We don't lose our ambition, we don't lose our drive, because that is part of what makes us successful, and we need to bring this other aspect of ourselves online where we can rest in and receive and go into a thrive state instead of being only in the survive state, which is typically what happens if we're always pushing forward. How can we find a way to honour the season that we in? How can we find a way to bring our own natural rhythm into our own lives? And what are the beliefs and the blocks and the resistance and constrictions that we hold internally that says, I'm not allowed to do that. I can't do that. So we look at our own productivity. We look at how much we get done, we look at the things that we achieve and we attach our worth to that. 

I'm speaking here as someone who experienced it myself. It's a very dangerous way to live in that the moment that those external markers of success aren't there anymore, you lose your identity. You don't know who you are anymore. Hello. Just popping in here quickly because as I was editing the video, I realised I never told you that I'm moving all of my content over to the podcast. This is the season of life that I'm in. I'm honouring that, and my podcast has a new name. It's now called Beyond Burnout for Driven Woman. So if you are someone who is always on the go, if you are constantly stuck in cycles of overdrive and you want to feel more in tune with yourself and more alive, come and hang out with me on the podcast. It's The Beyond Burnout for Driven Woman Podcast, and I'm going to leave a link for you in the description below. 

Now, back to the video. I want for you to have a burnout out proof life. I want for you to really stop being overwhelmed, still keep your edge, but live a life that you truly love, that you are happy to show up for, and to come from a place where you are confident in yourself, where your worth is connected, simply to you being who you are and to nothing outside of you. And there you have it. Next week I will show up in your little notifications as Beyond Burnout for Driven Women. I'm very excited about that. I've got some delicious episodes already lined up for you, and I can't wait to get started.