Untamed and Embodied with Tertia Riegler

#32 6 Gifts When Your Reclaim Your Divine Feminine Energy

Tertia Riegler Episode 32

Whether you're longing for a deeper sense of self-worth, inner peace, or simply seeking more ease and flow in your life,  reclaiming your feminine energy can be a powerful catalyst for inner (and outer) transformation. 

There's a shift that occurs when we tap into the depths of our feminine essence - sometimes it may seem subtle, but the effects are always profound.

In this episode, I share 6 gifts of reclaiming your divine feminine energy so that you can become the woman you want to be. 


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Strategy Session - Shift from Survive to Thrive https://tertiariegler.com/strategy-session

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About Tertia

I am a certified feminine embodiment coach and embodiment teacher.

In my private coaching and online programs, I teach you to drop from your head into your body so you can take your nervous system out of survive into thrive, clearing the way for you to live a life that fills you with joy and be guided by your inner knowing instead of outside influence.

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If you want to be deeply rooted in self-worth and you long to experience more inner peace and freedom, if you yearn to move through the world in a way that offers more ease and flow, then I want you to know that it is possible. When we tap into our feminine energy, when we live and lead from our feminine energy, this allows us to move through the world in a different way. And this is how you become the woman of your dreams. My name is Tertia. I'm a feminine embodiment coach, and on this channel you'll find everything that you need to know about tapping into your divine feminine energy. I don't know of a woman who doesn't have any dreams, even if those dreams are very silently and softly hidden away in the deepest recesses of her heart. We all have dreams, we all have longings and yearnings of the woman that we know.
we are meant to be. The woman that we are always becoming. And in this episode today, I want to share with you six of the biggest transformations that you can expect by stepping into your feminine energy, by reclaiming your feminine essence so that you can unlock the dream of that woman that you know you are. These are really gifts that we gift ourselves because for me, the journey of feminine reclamation and of stepping into our divine feminine power, it's not about how we can influence the world out there or what we can make happen out there. It really is about our own relationship with ourselves. When we come into right relationship with ourselves first, you'll find that it's a domino effect and it goes out into the world, but we have to start from within. So the feminine is inwards, right? The masculine is outwards, but the feminine is inwards.
And so inner work delving into our shadows, unearthing the gifts that are there is a very big part of our feminine reclamation journey. And without any further ado, I'll get straight into the first one. The very first gift when we reclaim our feminine energy is that we start to live as our authentic selves. Now, I know that there's so much about authenticity and being your authentic self that it's quite boring when you hear the word, but I really want us to pause for a moment here and tap into what being your authentic self truly means for you. I feel for so many of us, we don't know who our authentic selves are. We don't know ourselves. We have a lot of self-awareness. We've done a lot of work around our patterns and our habits, and we still have a grasp of who we truly are at our core. But we all want to be loved, right?
We all want to be accepted. And often what we do is we make ourselves palatable and we take on a role, a way of being to please the other people in our lives. And in the process we end up going further and further away from our own truth. And often what we'll find on this path of our feminine reclamation is there comes a point in your life where you can't do that anymore. You can't stand being so far removed from your own truth. And so we come back to ourselves. That's part of the journey, is of coming back to the truth of who we are. The woman beyond the masks, the woman beyond the roles, the woman who stands firmly in her expression and her beliefs. The woman who doesn't feel shame for herself and her emotions and who she is because she knows at her core she is enough.
And when we are rooted in that enoughness, can you see how easy it is for us to be our true selves? We don't have to go looking for who we might be because we are connecting to the truth of who we already are when we take away all of the  layers that we hide behind in order to get by in the world. Living as your truest most authentic self allows you to show up in a way where you draw into your life that which resonates with you, which harmonises with you, that which is in alignment with you. There's a great freedom that happens when we live as our authentic self. Our boundaries are stronger. We express ourselves, we are clear on what we need, and we are not afraid to ask for what we need, for what we desire. So there's a lot of power in this, and this is one of the greatest gifts that we receive from reclaiming our feminine, from healing our feminine and from coming into right relationship with ourselves.
So the second gift that we get from stepping into our full power and potential as women reclaiming our feminine energy and radiating that out into the world is that we know that we are the own authority in our own lives. What I mean by that is we stop looking to the outside world to give us answers as to what is the right thing for us. So many of us experience conflict because we are not living in alignment with our own truth. As I always say, we live in a world that maybe has different ideas of what is good for us, but we know what is good us. We only need to find a way to land on these answers. And by reclaiming our feminine, by coming into deeper connection with ourselves, by embodying our truth, we land on what is good for us and this builds our worthiness.
This makes us see and know deeply in our bones that who we are is enough. You truly begin to connect with your own inner guidance system and not the guidance system of the outside world. And definitely we can always ask the people in our lives what they think we should do or what their opinion is about something. But at the end of the day, we know that the final call lies with us and we trust that we will make the right decision for us. We trust what we are feeling, we trust when we sense that something is not right, that something is not good for us or that this is not the right thing for us, and we can act on that something that you may notice as well as you deepen into the self trust, is you may notice that not only does the way that you relate to yourself change, but you also start relating to your body differently.
You also start relating to your emotions differently. You start relating to your entire experience in a different way. The third gift of reclaiming our feminine energy and living as the woman of our dreams is that we take ownership of what we feel. There are so many layers and little tentacles into taking ownership of what we feel. I feel that a big part of this starts by the daily habits and the practises that we have. If you are in the habit of comparing yourself to others, whether it's in your career, whether it's on social media, whether it's in your friendship circle, when you compare yourself to others, you are always going to fall short. It's confirmation bias. You are always looking for confirmation that what you are thinking or feeling or experiencing, that that is your truth. Unfortunately, the result of always comparing ourselves to others, and by the way, this is also encouraged in the world -
The feminine is collaborative, the masculine is competitive - So we end up comparing ourselves to others to see how we are doing. We measure our own worth against what we see others in our circle doing. And if we are doing this from a place of not enoughness, we are just breaking ourselves down more. When we step into our feminine power, what we also do is we claim ownership of our feelings. We claim ownership of the patterns and the habits that we have. We consciously choose to stop doing certain things like comparing yourself to others or being controlling or walking around with a scarcity mindset. In a scarcity mindset, you are always going to feel like there's not enough, and the feminine is the total opposite of that. The feminine is abundance. The feminine shows us that there is more than enough for everyone. And so taking ownership of your feelings means that you step into self-leadership.
We step into self-leadership when we decide to live in a way that doesn't break us down anymore, but we decide to live in a way that lifts us up so that we aren't only uplifted from the inside, but we can also uplift our relationships and we can uplift the people in our lives and we can uplift our planet. Part of taking ownership of how you feel also means that you need to redefine how you see and believe success should feel like should look like and is like in your life. Many of us walk around with an externally defined definition of success. We find someone else's definition of success, and we try to apply that in our own lives again, leading us to comparing ourselves, leading us to not feeling worthy and making us forget that we are all unique. We all have our own life situation and our life experience.
And so the gift of reclaiming our feminine and redefining success on our terms puts us back into our power. Can you see that? It puts you back into your power when you can decide what does success look like for you in terms of happiness. What does success look like for you in terms of your relationship? What does success look like for you in terms of living your purpose, how you manage your finances? This is true empowerment and this is a gift of the feminine. So let's go on to the next gift now. And gift number four is when we step into our power, when we embrace our feminine, when we reclaim all of who we are, we also are able to release the past. And I just want to pause here a little bit. Many of us have experienced horrendous things in our past. Many of us are experiencing horrendous things even today.
And so I think we need to be careful to not simply say, let go of your past, get over it, move on, because that's really dismissing the depth and the intensity of your experience. However, what I also want to say is that your past does not define you. You don't need to be who you were in your past and you don't need to be what happened to you in your past. And for me personally, in my own feminine reclamation journey in releasing my past and moving on as it were, I found that embodiment was a incredibly valuable skill for me to do this. If we only try to move on the level of the mind, typically what I see happen is our self-sabotaging patterns come out the moment that we start going into unsafe territory, which is the territory where we let go of the parameters which has defined us up until that point. Embodiment and working with a nervous system, I feel is incredibly important to help you create that safety within your body to help you feel safe in all of the experiences that you've gone through, to let your nervous system learn that it doesn't need to be in fight and flight anymore.
To also teach your nervous system, to let it experience how it feels to relax, how it feels to soften and how it feels to open. Technically it's not correct, but I find it helpful to think of my masculine as my fight or flight part of the nervous system. It's very good, it's very helpful. We need that, but we don't want to be there all the time. And I think of my feminine as the rest and digest when we become skilled in both, when we teach ourselves how to not only be in that survive mode which we can find ourselves stuck in, if we continue to relive our past, if we continue to hold judgement about what other people have done to us or what we've done to other people, or the different experiences that we had, the traumas that we experienced, it can really keep us stuck in survival mode.
When we are stuck in the survival mode, it really robs us from experiencing the fullness and the richness of life. And so embodiment was for me, one of the most, as I said, valuable gifts that I could ever have learned in my entire life to allow me to come back into my feminine and to walk this path of reclaiming my feminine essence. The very next gift that I want to share with you is the gift of feeling, being, allowing and accepting everything that is. For me the secret to experiencing inner peace and having that inner freedom and inner liberation is to welcome and let whatever is happening internally be. To allow it to be there, to allow it to also exist within you. You're probably familiar with this expression: What you resist persists. Now, I've thrown around that expression before I really got into a deeper knowing of what that really means.
And from where I am today, the expression" what you resist persists" means to me that as long as I'm pushing up against whatever internal experience is alive in me, it's going to stay there. It won't be able to be resolved and released because I'm hardening myself against it. I'm bracing myself against it, and I'm protecting myself against it. It takes a lot of courage to dive within. It takes a lot of courage to face your shadows, to unearth what is there and to bring to the light all of those parts of you, even the parts that you've denied and even the parts that you feel shame for. And that is a huge, huge gift of the feminine. She alchemizes our shame into power. We don't need to use all of our life force to try and hide who we are. We don't need to use all of our life force to avoid what we are feeling because we are allowing all of that into our experience.
And then the final gift, I think we are number six now, the final gift that I want to share with you today is that your receptivity gets turned on. As we move through life. We build up so many layers of armour to protect us and to keep us safe. And in the building app of these layers, we move further and further away from our own truth. The armour doesn't only stop others from coming in, it also stops us from experiencing our own fullness. It's an internal barrier. And so reclaiming our feminine begins to break down these internal barriers as we step into our own self-worth. And we become deeply rooted in that as we experience this inner peace that opens within us as a result of us not trying to fight and resist what is alive inside of us. You'll also find that you begin to open up. Your heart begins to open up. You become more receptive. You're willing to be vulnerable so that you can receive. We have to be willing to soften and lean back and open and allow. Vulnerability requires trust. Trust in ourselves, trust in the universe, trust in the process. And this brings us into deep resonance with our own desires. That's why when we soften into our feminine, we can draw into our lives that which we desire. The masculine law of attraction is all about having this clear

vision, then going out and taking action. And the feminine is about having this clear vision dipping into the desire of what we long and what we yearn for. And then once we've built up that base of power on the inside to fuel us, we go and we take aligned action. Our point of power is always in the present moment, and we can start right now to choose. The world truly is our mirror. And I've seen myself firsthand how my life and my world has changed as a result of reclaiming my feminine energy. And so I truly hope that wherever you are on your path, if you need a little light, that what I shared with you in today's video has given you that light. I'd love to know how this episode landed for you. So please let me know in the comments your takeaways. If you are listening over on the podcast, then come over to the YouTube channel and leave a comment for me here. I love reading everything that you have to say, and thank you so much for joining me. I'll see you in the next one. Bye.