Untamed and Embodied with Tertia Riegler

#38 To Completely Transform Your Life, Start Here

July 11, 2024 Tertia Riegler Episode 38

I’m sharing my medicine with you.  As I’m coming into alignment with living my truth, I’m using my repertoire of tools and processes that I know work. In this episode I get you started with the basics so you can do it too.

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Coach with Tertia

Strategy Session - Shift from Survive to Thrive https://tertiariegler.com/strategy-session

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Website: https://tertiariegler.com

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About Tertia

I am a certified feminine embodiment coach and embodiment teacher.

In my private coaching and online programs, I teach you to drop from your head into your body so you can take your nervous system out of survive into thrive, clearing the way for you to live a life that fills you with joy and be guided by your inner knowing instead of outside influence.

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Hello everyone and welcome to another episode. I'm so excited about the journey that I am about to take you on. We are going to explore all of the different ways in which you can transform your life, and I will be teaching you over the next few weeks all of the tools and the processes and the practises that you can apply in your own life to begin to create that inner transformation. This is a subject that lights me up from the inside. And if you have listened to the previous podcast episode that I recorded, I was talking there about my intention to realign the way in which I show up, especially in the business environment from my marketing perspective, the kinds of things that I speak about and teach as I speak about the work that I do that I have felt for a while now that I was out of alignment with that and through my own explorations and experiments in terms of getting more into alignment, I have found a little missing link, which was my human design.
And I've been experimenting with my human design. I'm also now bringing this human design experiment into my work. And one of the things that are important to me as a generator is that I have to live in response. That's my strategy. I need to respond to sources outside of me, information outside of me, and then based on my inner authority, whether that's a yes or a no. Towards that, I can go ahead and make decisions that are the right decisions for me. And so this is the experiment that I'm busy with. What this looks like when I translate it into my business is to start talking more about those themes that light me up, that I feel a yes in response to. And these range from embodiment to mindset tools to brain science, to neurolinguistic programming, to changing limiting beliefs, to realigning your nervous system and shifting from survive into thrive.
And now of course, also bringing that element of human design in. One of the things that I'm really good at, and this is my intention as we go forward in this new series that I'm creating for you now, is something that I'm really good in is taking information and understanding that, processing it through my own filters, applying and experimenting with that in my own life, and then transmitting that to you, simplifying it to you and sharing with you how you can make that work for you in your life. And this is what excites me, and I'm going to be sharing more of these tools and practises with you because my intention is really to make this a space where you can come to, you can pick up so many helpful tips, and as I said, helpful practises and techniques which you can then apply in your own life.
So the idea is that I give it to you and you take it and you run with it. You go and you make it your own. But I'm going to be able to provide you just with the insight and the inspiration and maybe the techniques of how to actually make it work. Because I think a lot of time, if we are in the personal or interpersonal development and self-development, a lot of times you may hear about a practise or you may read a very powerful, interesting book that has some wonderful techniques. But often what I find is that stays theoretical knowledge, right? We know about this, but we don't really apply it in our lives. And so I think many of the things that I'll be speaking about as we are going forward, none of this is, or maybe many of it is not going to be new.
It's not going to be something that you've never heard of before in your life. And the question is always then, are you living that? Are you using that? Are you applying that in your life? Because if you are not, then it's never going to make a difference. It's never going to create transformation. And so the very first entry point where I want to start, I thought about this a little bit and I decided the best place or I felt that the best place for us to start is at the beginning to start with the foundation and the foundation for if you want to transform your life, if you want to shift your life from where you are, feeling frustrated or stuck, you feeling like you are going around in circles, to move from there into a space where you are free to live as yourself, which frees up a whole lot of energy if you don't have to hide parts of yourself anymore, if you don't have to pretend to be someone that you're not, if you have to reject and push away parts of you that you don't want any other people to see or to know about in case that influences their perception of you

And they receive you. All of that takes a lot of energy. And we are not able to live as our true selves while we are busy doing all of this, hiding and tucking away and nipping and so on. And so what I want to share with you is then how do we move from that? How do we start to really be our full selves? And the foundational step for that is to begin to take ownership for your life. Now, I thought about what I was going to call this and what came up for me first is I felt into taking responsibility for your life because that is in fact actually what it is. But responsibility, taking responsibility can have a bit of a heavy connotation. If you're the oldest child, then you might always have been seen or expected to be the more responsible one or responsibility feels like a little bit of a weight that it's all on you.
Or responsibility might also feel that you are the cause of something. You are responsible for something to have happened. And even though all of those interpretations are true, it can have a negative connotation to it. So I'm going to ask you to reframe that and to not think of taking responsibility for your life in that heavier negative sense, but to look at it as taking ownership, taking charge of your life, finally stepping into the driver's seat of your life instead of being driven by your unconscious behaviours, your unconscious beliefs, your conditioning, the expectations that have been put on you and showing up in autopilot mode. So we're going to be talking a lot also about brain science, how the brain works and quantum physics. These are all things that light me up as we speak about that and as we go through the series, I'll start to unpack that, but vibe it bit.
The key in taking ownership for your life is that I see it really switches us from being in this autopilot mode, into stepping into a more conscious role in our own lives. Our brains have got a wonderful, wonderful ability to preserve energy. This is what makes us efficient, alright? And how it preserves energy is it takes an action which is done repetitively or a thought that is thought repetitively or a way of being that is done repetitively. It takes this and it makes it into an existing pattern so that you don't have to think about doing that again. And it always sends the energy to where the attention is. If we have got certain ways in which we perceive the world, if we have got certain ways of thinking, if we have got certain ways of showing up, these are all patterns that may or may not be to our advantage because the brain sends all of the energy into this thinking pattern, into this action that we are doing and we start doing it on autopilot.
We don't have to think about being or doing something in a certain way because this autopilot mechanism of the brain takes over. And so of course, if you come from a history where you have got certain beliefs about yourself and about your worth and that you need to always prove yourself or that you need to do things in a certain way so that people will love and accept you, and if you are yourself, then you risk being rejected if this is one of the patterns that have been wired into your nervous system. When we take responsibility for our lives, when we take ownership for our lives, what happens is you begin to break down this pattern. If you're just going to think about starting to love yourself and you just do affirmations, even though affirmations have their place, they are not strong enough to break these deeply ingrained patterns that live in our nervous system.
And this is why I'm such a big proponent of embodiment. A huge part of my healing happened when I brought embodiment the skill of embodiment and feminine embodiment, specifically of which I'm a coach, when I brought that skill into my repertoire of tools that I already have available to me. So taking ownership of your life then requires a few things. And the very first thing is to, because if you remember what I just shared about how our brains create these neural pathways and these patterns of anything that you do, enough becomes a habit. That's what a neural pathway is. It's a habitual way of being that happens through the brain. Taking ownership then asks as the very first step that we need to begin to wake up to. Where are we giving our power away? Where are we going into auto power mode, autopilot mode?
I mean, where are we going into autopilot mode instead of living consciously instead of living from our intention instead of living in alignment? Because it is so that when you are in autopilot mode, you are most likely not in alignment. So many of these patterns, so many of these beliefs, these perceptions and ways of thinking, they don't serve us anymore. These are all things that are dead weight. We can get rid of them and we don't always know how to get rid of them. We don't know how to break free from these limitations that still weigh us down. And a lot of times we might think that it's a big job and that it's going to take a lot of effort and that it is going to be very challenging. And I'm hoping that you'll see through this process that I'm going to be taking you over the next few weeks that it's actually, it's not so difficult.
The first thing that we need is to wake up and say, ah, okay, here is where I'm giving my power away. Here is where I'm not living in alignment. Here is where I'm not being in integrity with myself. So that's the first level. The second level then is to start to, I'm going to use the word decondition to start to decondition ourselves, to start to unravel what is held in the nervous system, to start to unravel all of the limiting beliefs that make up the worldview, which might not serve you at this point anymore. And getting into the nitty gritty of this, like working with the nervous system and reprogramming your subconscious mind, these are all then specific themes that I'm going to be exploring going forward. So that's then the step one is to see where am I not in my power? Step two is to then use these embodiment practises and deconditioning tools and subconscious programming to begin to step into this version of you, this authentic version of you that you desire to be.
And there are some foundational practises which you can start doing right now that will begin to put you on this path of taking ownership of your life. And the very first thing that I'm going to talk about today is the practise of journaling. So journaling and meditation is another practise, but I'll talk about that in another episode. I really want to get into journaling. The benefits that I have seen in my own life with journaling is I tend to overthink a lot, and often I'll find that I've got things running around in my mind, going around in circles and circles and circles, and they get in the way of me aligning with what is true. They take me out of my truth and they take me into my fear body or they take me into my overwhelmed stress body. And I found with journaling what happens in my instance, and I'm sure that you will experience the same.
This is an experiment, go and try it for yourself is when you journal, it just takes that noise away. I take it out of my head and I park it so that I don't need to deal with it now, and instead I can attend to what is true in the present moment because the overthinking is simply a distraction. So distraction. So journaling has been very helpful for me in that I also find that it creates space. It helps me to process and reflect better on things when it's running around in my mind, it's oftentimes so jumbled that I can't really make sense of it. And when I write it down, it is as if it allows it to get more sense, to make more sense. So this is what I want you to do. I want you to go and buy a journal as we embark on this journey of transforming our lives into a life where you are living as your true, authentic, magnificent, and wonderful self where you are fully satisfied by your life experiences and you land in your ability to make decisions.
This is like the vision that I have for you. You able to make decisions, bold decisions that you trust in, you're able to hold strong boundaries, you are rooted in your self-worth. As I see this vision for you, my very first invitation and little bit of homework for you, if you want to call it that, is to go and get yourself a journal and commit to journaling for the next week, the next 10 days, the next 30 days. So you have a set amount of time that you commit to over a set period of time. So 30 minutes over seven days, and you can rest into the safety of that structure. And then you just need to show up every day. You just need to show up and express whatever it is that wants to be expressed through you. So here is a little tip, which I have found very helpful as I have experimented with different kinds of journaling.
And what I'm finding is when I journal free flow style, in other words, I write just what is on my mind in that moment, but I never lift my hand. So I start writing and I write, all the letters are touching each other, so all the letters are touching each other. I sometimes don't even.my i's or cross my T's. So that can just keep my hand flowing on the page. And sometimes I pause and I take a little break and then I just carry on writing again. But at the end of my writing practise, my journaling practise, what it looks like is I have a long page, I write as many as three or four pages using this process, but you cannot really see what I have written because all the words are linked to each other. So it just looks like long sentences of words that are quite indistinguishable, is that the word?
And what I love about this practise is because this is not so much for me to go back and read what I have written, it is about getting out what is inside. And in this process, what I'm finding is as I'm writing what is inside, as I'm writing down my reflections, as I'm writing down my insights into what I'm feeling or experiencing or sensing or looking back at what happened and how I feel about that now, something that happened yesterday and how I'm feeling about that today in that process, some unconscious reprogramming is starting. So this will be my suggestion for you. If you've never done journaling in this way where you just write continuously without lifting your hand and all of the words, just touch each other, then try that, experiment with that and see if it works. If you have a journaling practise already that you are very happy with and it brings you the insight and the release and the internal space that you are looking for, then that's fantastic.
So this is the first kind of journaling practise. This is one that works I find very well in the mornings. As you get up, you just write whatever is there to begin to create some space and provide some insights as you go through the day. Then there's another journaling practise that I do, and this is, it's another journal that I have. So I have two journals, and in this journal I write down all of my beliefs that I'm working with. So if there's a negative belief or a limiting belief that I have become aware of, then I write down all of the things that I notice that challenges that belief in my life. So this is one of the things that I do at night, or if I had a breakthrough or a deep insight or a realisation, I also write that in my evening journal where I reflect, and this is really the journal that I'm using for reprogramming my subconscious mind.
But don't worry too much about that because we will be talking about this kind of journaling later on. The most important thing that I want you to do now and take from this episode is when you are ready, when you're committing to take ownership for your life, when you're saying, all right, this is it. I am stepping up, I'm on board now, I'm going to start tole dismantle, I'm going to dismantle all of these structures, these internal systems and these constrictions that are living in me, that are preventing me from showing up as my authentic self. They are in the way of living my most expressed and joyful life. And the very first thing to do if you are on board with this, is to make it a habit to journal every day. And the first kind of journaling that we are doing is you are doing a free flow consciousness streaming writing, so free writing and you're writing whatever comes up.
And you don't have to do anything with that. This is simply the first practise. So go on and commit for seven days or for 10 days or for 30 days, and just notice what happens as you do this. Because this is also something that I want to stress as I'm sharing with you these different tools and principles is don't just take my word for it, go and try it for yourself and then see what happens. This is also part of what it means to take ownership, is not to just take everything at face value, but to go and apply it in your life and see what happens in your life. So journaling is a wonderful way to begin to tap into the unconscious, to begin to illuminate some of these patterns. And what you will find is as you begin to journal in this way, as you begin to just write that stream of consciousness, you're going to start to identify areas in your life where you are giving your power away, and now you have something to work with.
So this is then the first practise that I'm going to leave you with today. Go out and get your journal or get a journal and start writing. I trust that you got what you needed from this episode, and I also wanted to let you know that you now have the possibility to book a 75 minute strategy session with me. And in this strategy session, we will together unpack a specific challenge that you have and you'll gain some new insight and understanding in terms of how to navigate that challenge, how to shift through that challenge. And I'm going to give you some really practical tools and processes that you can then use going forward. I'm also bringing in the element from human design or elements from human design, rather. As I said, what I'm discovering is that human design is another missing piece of the puzzle.
And my intention with these sessions is to provide you the foundation of understanding who you are, what makes you tick, and then how can you start to live as more of yourself. So it's really going to lay the groundwork for you to come from this point of understanding and insight and then having the tools, the practises, to go and live this out into the world. And since I'm lensing this through embodiment, we will also be doing some nervous system healing and nervous system unravelling contractions. And the constrictions in your nervous system will definitely be doing some of that in all of our sessions as well. I'll put a link for you in the description so you can go ahead and book your session. I'd love to know how this episode landed for you. I'd love to hear your feeling and sense and impression in terms of the direction that I'm taking this podcast to. It'll mean a lot to me if you share with me what your experience of this is. And you can do that either by messaging me or sending me an email. I'm going to leave all the links for that in the description. Thank you so much for joining me today, and I will speak to you in the next one. Bye.